LOOK! Can you see it? It’s not Biden, but an actor…

Several influential people have publicly stated that Joe Biden is not Joe Biden. They claim he is an actor playing the role of Biden to fool the public. What happened to the real Biden, is not clear. I decided to look into this, and came to a surprising conclusion…Let me first say this: in my youth I have drawn countless portraits of people. During summers I worked as a cartoonist at the beach, accurately drawing dozens of faces every day. At school I excelled in portrait drawing. An

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Biden and Putin are dead, and were replaced by actors

Several influential people have publicly stated that Joe Biden is not Joe Biden. They claim he is an actor playing the role of Biden to fool the public. What happened to the real Biden, is not clear. I decided to look into this, and came to a surprising conclusion…Let me first say this: in my youth I have drawn countless portraits of people. During summers I worked as a cartoonist at the beach, accurately drawing dozens of faces every day. At school I excelled in portrait drawing. An

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KORT BERICHT, NANCY PELOSI IS ONDERWEG NAAR TAIWAN.   Nancy Pelosi wil naar TaiwanHet Amerikaanse leger is begonnen met het ontwikkelen van noodplannen voor elk incident dat zich zou kunnen voordoen als Huisvoorzitter Nancy Pelosi haar gemelde plan om volgende maand naar Taiwan te reizen doorzet – nadat president Biden vorige week had gezegd dat ze geloofden dat het beter voor haar zou zijn om thuis te blijven.

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Are entities within the US military secretly fighting for world freedom?

Could it be that certain departments in the US military are working behind the scenes to save the world from tyranny? The time we are in demands honesty to look at facts, and wisdom to discern between accurate and false information. We cannot afford to let feelings and opinions blur our vision. My invitation to all who read this, is to put emotions aside and try looking objectively at reality. We must be accurate in our observations, lest we fall prey to the schemes of the criminal entities

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Why did Trump push the covid vaccines? Is he part of the cabal?

This is a long post with key insights that will greatly inspire and encourage you. Don’t skip it, but pay attention. ★ ★  ★  ★  ★Any informed person in this world is fully aware of the severe health risks posed by vaccines. Especially a rushed, untested experimental biological agent, that is falsely marketed as a vaccine, activates all the alarm bells within the educated part of humanity. Naturally many patriots are severely worried, when they see a prominent leader of the worldwide freedom movement, Donald Trump, push these terrifying

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Who is Donald Trump – really? An honest observation…

When I first heard about Donald Trump, I was horrified: a billionaire business man who runs for president? Yeah, right! Surely he is the next crook on the scene… This negative opinion was strongly confirmed by literally everything I saw in the media about this man. He was portrayed as the worst monster that ever lived on the face of the earth. A liar, insulter, racist, hater, sexist, twisted psychopath and a maniacal narcissist. In short: satan himself. My wife however started watching his speeches, and to my amazement

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