LOOK! Can you see it? It’s not Biden, but an actor…

Several influential people have publicly stated that Joe Biden is not Joe Biden. They claim he is an actor playing the role of Biden to fool the public. What happened to the real Biden, is not clear. I decided to look into this, and came to a surprising conclusion…Let me first say this: in my youth I have drawn countless portraits of people. During summers I worked as a cartoonist at the beach, accurately drawing dozens of faces every day. At school I excelled in portrait drawing. An

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Biden and Putin are dead, and were replaced by actors

Several influential people have publicly stated that Joe Biden is not Joe Biden. They claim he is an actor playing the role of Biden to fool the public. What happened to the real Biden, is not clear. I decided to look into this, and came to a surprising conclusion…Let me first say this: in my youth I have drawn countless portraits of people. During summers I worked as a cartoonist at the beach, accurately drawing dozens of faces every day. At school I excelled in portrait drawing. An

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