Several influential people have publicly stated that Joe Biden is not Joe Biden. They claim he is an actor playing the role of Biden to fool the public. What happened to the real Biden, is not clear. I decided to look into this, and […]
LOOK! Can you see it? It’s not Biden, but an actor…
Several influential people have publicly stated that Joe Biden is not Joe Biden. They claim he is an actor playing the role of Biden to fool the public. What happened to the real Biden, is not clear. I decided to look into this, and […]
De valse media realiteit van ‘afval en asbest dumpende boeren’ behoort tot het Problem, Reaction, Solution spel
Voor diegenen die hun kop niet langer in het zand hebben moge inmiddels wel duidelijk zijn dat de media een totaal vals beeld van de werkelijkheid creëren. Via in scene gezette protesten met een hoop drama kun je internationaal een […]
Dr. Carrie Madej almost dead in devastating airplane crash
Our dear friend and phenomenal world leading freedom fighter doctor Carrie Madej was involved in a plane crash, which almost killed her. After testifying in court for a fellow medical freedom fighter Dr. Paul Gosselin, she took off in a private plane with her […]
Weer een shooting in de VS, dit keer Robb Elementary School in Uvalde Texas door de 18 jarige Salvador Ramos
De commentaren liegen er niet om op één van de grootste alternatieve media websites in de VS als het gaat om actueel nieuws, Er zijn maar weinig die geloven dat de shooting op Robb Elementary School in Uvalde Texas […]
Please don’t be a news junky, but become a world changer
Dear Freedom Warriors,Some of you told me that you only want to receive ‘new’ information from me, and when you receive something you have seen before, you respond in frustration:‘Hey, that’s old news. I already know that!’It is great that many of you know […]
Worldwide Arrests of Brave Freedom Fighters
The leader of a great freedom organization in Europe has been arrested. His name is Willem Engel (English = Wim Angel) and he founded Virus Truth in the Netherlands. They have hundreds of thousands of members, and have been organizing lawsuits, protests, and other actions to […]
Archbischop Carlo Maria Vigano warns humanity for New World Order
World renowned archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano became famous for exposing financial corruption in the Vatican, and for confronting systematic child abuse by pope Francis and many church leaders. He is a bright light of truth in the Vatican. Now he is speaking up to […]
THE VACCINE DEATH REPORT – Millions Are Dying From The Injections
The post THE VACCINE DEATH REPORT – Millions Are Dying From The Injections appeared first on Stop World Control.
18 Reasons I Won’t Be Getting a Covid Vaccine
The post 18 Reasons I Won’t Be Getting a Covid Vaccine appeared first on Stop World Control.